Dividends Policy
Our policy on profit distribution for the 79th fiscal year (ending June 30, 2025) and beyond has been changed to a dividend payout ratio of 33%, with a view to further enhancing shareholder returns.
Our policy is to balance net income attributable to owners of the parent company by dividing it into three parts: “return to shareholders,” “investment for growth,” and “financial stabilization.
Our basic policy is to pay dividends from surplus twice a year, an interim dividend and a year-end dividend.
The decision-making bodies for these dividends are the General Meeting of Shareholders for the year-end dividend and the Board of Directors for the interim dividend. (Our Company's Articles of Incorporation stipulate that “the Company may, by resolution of the Board of Directors, pay interim dividends to shareholders or registered share pledgees whose names appear or are recorded in the final shareholders' register as of December 31 of each year.)
Dividends and Dividend Payout Ratio for 5 years

Until the 78th fiscal year (ending June 30, 2024), our profit distribution policy was based on the following within the range of profit available for dividends, in order to return profits to shareholders and to ensure fairness in the appropriation of profits, while paying attention to internal reserves and expanding our business areas and strengthening our corporate structure.
Basic Earnings per Share |
40 yen or less |
More than 40 yen but less than 80 yen |
Over 80 yen |
Annual dividend |
8 yen |
Basic net income per share
× 20% |
Basic net income per share
× 25% |
(Note) However, special gains and losses that are not derived from ordinary operating activities may be excluded from the above approach.
In accordance with this policy, for the 78th fiscal year (ending June 30, 2024), Our Company declared a dividend of 61.4 yen per share (including an interim dividend of 15 yen per share), which represents a payout ratio of 25.0%, since basic net income per share exceeded 80 yen.