



Our company has established the “Compliance Manual” as a guideline for actions common to ZERO group.

Our company aims to build good relationships with our customers and business partners who support our company's activities, with a view to “providing services that satisfy our customers”.
In order for the ZERO Group to be recognized by society as a highly transparent and fair company, we believe that it is essential for all officers and employees to not only comply with laws and regulations, but also to observe internal rules, respect social norms, and act in accordance with corporate ethics, in other words, to ensure “compliance".

To this end, our company has established a systematic compliance system, as well as a basic compliance policy and a compliance code of conduct, and has formulated a manual with matters that each and every director and employee shall pay particular attention to.

Basic Compliance Policies

1. We comply with laws and regulations.

We comply with laws, company regulations, and social norms, engage in fair and free competition, and conduct business activities based on high ethical standards.
If there is a conflict of interest and compliance, compliance shall take precedence.

2. We strive for highly transparent management.

We will promote appropriate information disclosure to shareholders and society, and strive for highly transparent management.

3. We strive to be a company that is trusted by our customers and society.

We are fully aware of the social nature of our business and strive to be a company that is trusted by our customers and society at large by conducting business activities in a sound and customer-oriented manner.

4. We strive to create a safe and favorable work environment.

5. We strive to establish a compliance system sufficient to ensure compliance with the Compliance Code of Conduct.

Compliance Code of Conduct

Ⅰ. Ensuring safe driving

Each and every one of us complies with traffic laws both inside and outside the company, and prioritizes “safe driving” above all else.

Ⅱ. Appropriate management of work hours

We shall work to ensure that employees can perform their work in a sound state of mind and body through understanding and complying with labor laws and regulations, and through health management.

Ⅲ. Comfortable work environment

  1. Respect for Human Rights ・ Prohibition of Harassment :We recognize the diverse values of each individual and respect the human rights of all people associated with the ZERO Group.
    We do not make inappropriate comments or conduct that may cause discomfort or disadvantage to others or damage their dignity.
  2. Workplace Health and Safety: We will conduct our operations with the safety of all parties involved, including employees and subcontractors, as our top priority.

Ⅳ. Information Management

  1. Appropriate management of information: Trade secrets such as customer information, technical information, and know-how shall be properly managed in accordance with internal rules.
  2. Protection of Personal Information: Personal information of customers, employees, business partners, etc. will be handled appropriately in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, rules, and our Privacy Policy.

Ⅴ. Compliance with Business Laws

In conducting our business activities, we shall fully understand and comply with the relevant business laws.

Ⅵ. Fair competition and trade

  1. Compliance with Act on Prohibition of Private Monopolization and Maintenance of Fair Trade: We always conduct our business based on fair and free competition.
  2. Relationships with Suppliers: Selection of suppliers (purchasers, subcontractors, etc.) will be based on fair and equitable competition.
  3. Appropriate operation and management of outsourcing contracts (temporary staffing and outsourced contracting) :We correctly understand the difference between dispatch and outsourced contracting and handle them appropriately in accordance with laws and regulations.
  4. Prohibition of excessive entertainment and gifts: Entertainment and gift-giving shall be conducted within the bounds of social common sense so as not to deviate from normal business relationships.
  5. Prohibition on insider trading: To ensure that confidence in the market is not undermined, we will not engage in any conduct that violates insider trading regulations.

Ⅶ. Healthy relationship with society and community

  1. Cutting off relations with antisocial forces: We will take a firm stand against antisocial forces that threaten the order and safety of civil society, and will sever all relationships with such forces.
  2. Environmental Preservation: We actively work to preserve the global environment in our business activities in order to realize a sustainable society.

Ⅷ. Proper management of company assets and execution of business

  1. Prohibition of embezzlement and improper billing: We do not illegally take company assets and keep them for ourselves. We do not obtain company funds improperly by improperly claiming expenses or otherwise.
  2. Proper exercise of decision-making authority and preparation of records: Procedures for decisions, approvals, etc. are handled properly in accordance with the rules established by the company.

Ⅸ. International Businesses

  1. Fair business and respect for diverse cultures: In international business, each and every employee shall not only comply with international rules, laws and regulations, but also respect the culture and customs of each region.