



Aim for a Next stage


Our ZERO Group consists of a vehicle transportation business that handles more than 3 million new and used vehicles annually, this is our core business, domestic automobile-related businesses such as maintenance and auctions, a human resources business that provides temporary staffing and pick-up service, a general cargo business that transports and stores general consumer goods and handles port cargo handling of biomass fuels and other cargos, and overseas-related businesses that transport vehicles in China and export used vehicles overseas.

Founded in 1961 as Nissan Transportation Co., Ltd. a subsidiary of Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. we have progressed with the growth of the Japanese automobile market and became independent as ZERO CO., LTD. through a management buyout (MBO) in 2001.

In 2005, we were listed on the Second Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (now the Standard Market), and in addition to expanding its new car transportation business mainly in Japan, expanding vehicle transportation in the used car market, and taking in peripheral businesses related to vehicle transportation such as yard operation at car auction sites, with the cooperation of Tan Chong International Group, with which we entered into a capital alliance in 2014, the company also expanded its overseas business, including business development in ASEAN countries and China through its consolidated subsidiary, ZERO SCM Logistics(Beijing) CO., LTD.

As Japan's automobile market continues to shrink and customer needs diversify, establishment of a more detailed and efficient transportation system to solidify our business foundation, and further expansion of our overseas business are top priorities for us.


Back to the starting point, “Quality”


In order to face these challenges, we will continue to provide services that exceed the expectations of all our stakeholders by refining all aspects of quality and back to the starting point, “Quality” as stated in our management philosophy, aiming to become the overwhelming No. 1 comprehensive logistics company and service provider in the automotive distribution industry.